Current Rates:
5.25% to 9.99%
Same Day No Obligation Quote!

No. 1 in California lending with professional service, honesty and integrity as our cornerstone.  
Guaranteed Great Service!

Ready? Please call and one of our professional team members will help you.  It’s that simple and NEVER an upfront fee.

As a Private Money Lender, we work hard for our clientele. We work with bridge loans, hard money, stated income loans and various new loan types.

Call 1-800-908-7066.  Loans can close in as little as 3 days.  (No tax returns, No FICO necessary).  Based on property only! See if you qualify.

For Your Courtesy

Simply fill out the form below and we will call you at the designated time. You will receive an email from us to confirm your appontment.

We look forward to helping you!

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Your information is always secure and will never be sold. Alt Financial Network is licensed Mortgage Banking Firm.