Most Popular Loan Programs
We Made It Easy For You to Search Right Into Our Informative Site! Choose Which Loan Type You Are Desiring, and Learn How We Make It a Simple Process For You!
- 30
Year Fixed - Rate: 3.85% APR: 4.0%
*Based On 720 FICO, Rate and Term, 80 LTV. W2 - GET CASH OUT!
Need Cash Out? No problem. Call to be pre-qualified. - LOWER MONTHLY PAYMENT
With today’s rates, your monthly may go down. Learn More today! - CONSOLIDATE DEBT
Debt Consolidation can be the way to peace of
- 30
Year FHA - Rate: 3.85% APR: 4.0%
*Based On 720 FICO, Rate and Term, 80 LTV. W2 - CREDIT ISSUES?
Less-than-perfect credit is OK - LOWER DOWN PAYMENT!
FHA requires a down payment of just 3.5% - CLOSING COST MAY BE COVERED
FHA allows some of the closing cost to be paid at borrower’s closing.
- 30
Year VA - Rate: 3.85% APR: 4.0%
*Based On 720 FICO, Rate and Term, 80 LTV. W2 - 0% DOWN PAYMENT
First Time Home Buyer? Read on! - LIKE A CONVENTIONAL LOAN
Learn the advantage with the VA Loan and AltFinancial - WALK YOU THRU THE PROCESS
We here at AltFinancial appreciate you! Free Appraisal at Loan Closing!
- 15
Year Fixed - GET LOW RATES
15 Year Rates are at an all time
By paying in 15 Years, your payment goes more toward the principal. Become Home Payment Free. - PAY DEBT, CONSOLIDATE
Everything you can do on a 30 year loan, but with a lower rate and faster payoff.
- 5/1
Rates at the 5/1 ARM are truly at the lowest they’ve ever been. - GREAT IF MOVING WITHIN 5 YEARS.
Pay at a 30 year term, lower rate. No
Prepayment. - QUALITY FOR A HOME
Due to lower rates than the 30 Year fixed, you can quality for that home that might be out of your reach today.