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Why Alt Financial is Your Smarter Choice
With our Licensed Loan Officers, our hard work ethics to ensuring your rate and cost are exactly what is expected, you will feel comfortable that Alt Financial has your best Interest in mind.
Professional Loan Officers
We make sure you have the personal attention you deserve
Our objective is to have you work with the same licensed and seasoned loan officer throughout the full process. We believe in building relationships.
Excellent Processing
We ask you the questions that make sure your loan process goes as smoothly as possible.
With our twice weekly loan updates plus open door policy to your loan officer, that makes for a simple loan process.
Faster Closings
Our backend process is monitored to ensure you get your loan closed FAST!
To ensure an easy closing, our Professional Loan Officers will keep you updated at each and every aspect of the loan process. Bottom line, your Loan Process is “very” important to us!
Refinance Your home
If you have great credit, or challenged credit is the same to our staff. We help you through the process to ensure the rate you need is captured.
There are different types of loans such as, 30 Year fixed Rate, 15 Year Fixed Rate, 5/1 ARMS, and more. The objective is your plan and your Financial objective. Let our staff assist you make that right decision!
Purchase Your Home
Let us help you through the “Process”. Buying a home is actually a process, from picking the correct Realtor, the correct loan institution and much much more!
Let us help you through the “Loan Process“. Buying a home is actually a process, from picking the correct Realtor, the correct loan institution and much much more!
Reverse Mortgages
If you are desiring a reverse mortgage, learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of the process.
Reverse Mortgages are a great way to put yourself in a great financial position. It’s not for everyone however. But for the person who is in a certain lifestyle, etc. can really take advantage of this loan type.
From Reverse Mortgage to Conventional Loans.
At ALT Financial, we specialize in providing a comprehensive range of mortgage solutions, from reverse mortgages to conventional loans, all designed to suit the unique needs of our clients. As a trusted mortgage broker in Southern California, we are committed to delivering fast, efficient service with some of the most competitive rates in the market. Whether you’re looking to purchase your first home, refinance, or explore reverse mortgage options, our decades of experience and dedication to customer satisfaction ensure a seamless and personalized experience from start to finish. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way, with flexible solutions that fit your financial goals.